CEO / Programming Lead
John is a skilled Software Engineer, Technical Writer, Graphic Designer, and Project Manager.
In 2001, amidst the dot-com crash, John defied the odds and founded The ANDRESENGROUP, a web development firm specializing in ranch-focused online marketing. Prior to this venture, he gained valuable experience at Intel as a Project Manager, Technical Writer, and Manufacturing Engineer, and also served as a Project Manager for PGE/ENRON and ServerLogic.
Growing up immersed in the software development industry, John's early years were shaped by attending software classes and eagerly awaiting the processing of punch cards with his mother. His passion for programming sparked at a young age when he wrote his first computer program in Assembler on a Magnavox Odyssey
2 console at the age of 10.

He pursued higher education at both Oregon State University and Portland State University, earning a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technical Writing, while also completing sufficient coursework for degrees in Psychology, Business, Geology, Literature, and History.
John possesses a diverse skill set, encompassing Software Engineering, Technical Writing, Graphic Design, and Project Management. This comprehensive background empowers him to lead Global Grange Inc. as he looks to a future with technological solutions to solve business issues for small food-focused businesses worldwide.